Club Rules
By joining Watford Velo Sport (WVS) you agree to the following club rules:
Membership of the Club is to be open to all genders over the age of 16. If minors (under 16 years at date of event) wish to attend club runs then these will be considered at an ad-hoc basis.
Members undertaking cycling activities shall ensure they’re own third party insurance such as that provided by British Cycling.
A member wishing to resign from the Club shall notify the Club Secretary in writing.
When a member resigns or fails to renew their membership by the appointed date, any annual trophy that is held by that member shall be restored immediately to the custody of the Club.
Club members will abide by the WVS cycling etiquette described in section ‘a’ below.
A helmet is MANDATORY on all club runs.
Mudguards should be used on winter/wet rides.
The Committee shall normally meet once a month to transact the Club’s business (minimum of 6 members).
Membership to the club is via the British Cycling website only (no cash/manual membership).
As a member you agree to marshal a minimum of one event per year when needed by the club.
Any member not renewing their membership by their due date will be deemed to have resigned and to have forfeited all rights and privileges of membership. You will be removed from all social forums (Facebook, Strava etc).
Members shall be liable to expulsion from the Club for unseemly conduct. The committee will review all reported incidents and shall within a 30 day period of being formally informed decide on an outcome, if the decision is to exclude from the club then the club committee must give the member the reason(s) for revoking their membership. The committee’s decision is final.
Items for the agenda of any Annual General Meeting shall reach the Secretary at least two weeks before the meeting. At the meeting, any other business will be allowed at the discretion of the Chairman. However no changes of ‘Club Rules’ will be permitted under any other business.
A Special General Meeting may be called by the Executive Committee upon receipt of a request signed by seven members, subject to at least 14 days notice (with a copy of the Agenda attached) being given to the members.
Racing and entry to competition into events will be under the club name – ‘Watford Velo Sport’.
The Committee shall deal with any matter not provided for in these Rules and their decision shall be binding on all parties.
Watford Velo is fully committed to the principles of the equality of opportunity and is responsible for ensuring that no member or volunteer receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of age, gender, colour, disability, ethnic minority, parental or marital status, nationality, religious belief, social status and sexual preference.
The Club will take steps to prevent discrimination or other unfair treatment for its members and volunteers.